Driving Success with Huw Williams
Huw Williams, based at Horsham Golf, shares his top 3 tips to stop slicing off the tee! Try these and you will start to see your ball splitting the fairway!
Ensure your ball position isn’t too far forward
Yes, ball position for driver should be forward, but as the ball position goes further forward, the path goes more left through the golf ball, leading to a slice!
Avoiding tilting your spine towards the target in set-up
Linked to the above, if your spine is tilted towards the target you’re encouraging a steeper backswing and a more out-to-in swing path through the ball. Get the spine upright with the irons and tilted away from the target as you move through the bag to the driver. A simple reference is to ensure that in address position, your shirt buttons are behind your belt buckle.
You can see these tips in action below!
Hand Depth
Hand depth is simply how far the hands travel behind you in the backswing and plays a crucial role in avoiding swinging ‘over the top’. Typically players won’t get their hands far enough behind them in the backswing so when they start the downswing and turn towards the target they start moving the hands too far out too early typically leading to a large out to in club path. As a marker, look to get your hands over your trail ankle at the top of the backswing – you can see this demonstrated below!
Try these 3 proven tips and you will start to enjoy playing from the fairway more often!
Interested in lessons with Huw? Click here to contact him!